Otto DIY builder Kit arduino Nano ROBOT open source Maker obstacle avoidance DIY humanity playmate
[32812276866] Otto DIY builder Kit arduino Nano ROBOT open source Maker obstacle avoidance DIY humanity playmate 3D who is Otto? Otto is an interactive robot that anyone can make! Come meet Otto - an interactive robot friend that anyone can make! Otto walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles; completely open source, Arduino compatible, 3D printable and with a social impact mission to create an inclusive environment for all kids. shipping list: the kit includes everything you need to build your Otto in 1 hour: NO SOLDERING REQUIRED! 3D printed PLA white feet 3D printed PLA white legs 3D printed PLA white body 3D printed PLA green head micro servo motors (SG90 9g) x4 short screws x4 pointed screws x8 Arduino Nano ATmega328 Arduino Nano I/O shield mini USB cable ultrasound sensor (HC-SR04 ) passive buzzer dupont cables F/F AA battery case* (batteries not included) switch Phillips screwdriver become an Otto builder!
US $34.90Time Limited offer 0% US $34.90
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